As they went into the pool area, Porter sweetly held Ainsley's hand and they sat nicely next to each other.
Shortly after Ainsley was in the pool though, the tears began. I asked her why and she said she was cold and got water in her nose :( I know my sweet little A, and she's never really liked new situations (well, ones that don't involve mom or dad). She came home, put on warm clothes, and was all smiles, right where she likes it, at home with the family :) She had a fun evening playing their newest game, "Bat Ball," in which they use paddles and jump off the couch to hit beach balls that dad throws to them :) Doesn't every dad teach his children how to play batball? How did Porter do at swimming lessons? Just fine (he's pretty social), until the very end when he got water in his nose and was in tears too. Well, I guess it's only fitting that there were tears since I took Ainsley to a mommy and me swimming class as a baby and she screamed!
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