Well, we survived our first camping trip as a family of five. As we were leaving the campsite I said, "I want to stay another day." GooF said, "I don't want to stay 15 more minutes." HA. We were tired. It's a lot of work as the parents, packing everything, etc, but a lot of fun too! We always wondered how old your kids had to be before they started saying, "Are we there yet?" Well, now we know. About a half hour into our drive Ainsley said, "Are we there yet?" It's begun!

Sunday afternoon when we arrived the first thing the kids wanted to do was go to the beach. . .

After the kids went to bed GooF and I did get a little time together sitting by the fire. Porter woke up with the sun Monday morning and Ainsley continued to sleep while they mowed around the tent :) Both kids were in their element and did not want to leave. I asked Ainsley her favorite part and teary eyed she said, "Everything except leaving." The beach was empty Monday morning and the kids LOVED finding seashells and building sand castles.

As I looked out from our cabin to the lake it was so peaceful and I agreed with Ainsley. . .I was enjoying God's creation and didn't want to leave. Then I remembered my need for a shower :)

I loved going on a bike ride with Porter, pushing Ainsley on the swings, sitting in the sand with Trey and introducing GooF to apple pies over the fire :) I guess you could say we were happy campers. . mostly.

I'm glad you had fun... but this city girl thinks you might be crazy for going camping with 3 4 and under! Looks beautiful there!
Flip Flop Momma's quite a talented photographer. :-)
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