Christmas card worthy? Probably not. . .
but they sure had fun posing. . .
Nothing says "Merry Christmas" like posing with a frog ;)
I think they were just glad it wasn't really their turn, and that they were already done with our annual family photo session! One of my dear friends and mentors took our photos this year. . .
Ainsley Brielle. . age 10

Porter William. . .age 9
Trey Coleman. . .age 7
Ryker Matthew. . .almost 4 in this pic :)
And as an almost 4 year old, he wanted to stand in front of us for this pic ;)
GooF. . .age 35 lol

13 years of marriage. . .
62 years of marriage to go :)
And just for fun. . .
Guess who picked this pose? He saw this pic today and said "That is awesome!" Glad he liked how it turned out :)
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