In front of God, our family, our church family, and our friends, we had the kids say ways in which they will help Ryker, as he grows, to know and love Jesus. Ainsley said, "I'll read Ryker Bible Stories." Porter said, "I'll teach him how to pray." Trey forgot what he was going to say at first, and then said, "I'll sing him Jesus loves me songs." :) Then, we read a verse that we had chosen for Ryker. . .Zeph 3:17 "The Lord your God is with you. He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with his love. He will rejoice over you with singing."
Dedication Day Family Photo Attempt ;) . . .

and then it was back to our house for a "taco bar" lunch, and time spent celebrating/thanking God for the gift of Ryker's life!
1 comment:
So Sweet! I love that each of your kiddos were able to share how they would teach Ryker about God. He's getting so big so quickly!!!
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