I am loving having this child grow inside of me. . .feeling its every movement, its hiccups, its breathing, and trying to figure out which of its limbs are poking out. BuT, I am so excited for when I can feel its every movement, hiccups, and breathing while holding him/her in my arms or upon my chest.
I have been joking with friends that I want this babe to stay inside, because I know soon enough there will be a loss of sleep, diapers to change, breastfeeding, laundry, etc. BuT, I am so excited for those tiny diapers to change, the closeness of nursing my baby and tiny clothes to wash. Notice, I didn't say I'm excited for the lack of sleep :)
I am enjoying my belly bump. BuT, I am looking forward to having a waist again:)
I am nesting like crazy. BuT, at times like now, I have my feet up watching football.
I am soaking up this pregnancy. BuT, I can't wait to soak up this baby, along with my husband and children!
Until then, we shall take one link off of our chain daily. And continue on with daily life. . .today Grammy treated the girls in our family to an "American Girl Tea Party" where we got to hear an American Girl author speak!
Until then, we shall take one link off of our chain daily. And continue on with daily life. . .today Grammy treated the girls in our family to an "American Girl Tea Party" where we got to hear an American Girl author speak!
It's getting so close! I don't miss the no sleep thing but now that Callie will be 1 in 4 days I look back at the time when she was tiny and that time was so short lived(I know you know that already and I know you realize how quickly it goes by, except for when you are actually getting not sleep it can seem like forever:) Can't wait to see pics of the newest little bundle!
Your nursery looks great! Except it's just missing one very important thing...Your little bundle of baby ;)
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