
this pregnant mommy,

and this soon to be big bro,

and this sister who giggles when she feels you hiccup and move,

and this tooth loosing,

swimming pool loving brother,

and these football tossing, spiking, and tackling boys,

get to meet YOU!!

Until then, we shall continue on doing school our style. . .

with plenty of apple picking, soccer playing, Bible studying, dance and piano practicing, football watching, LifeLight attending, MOPS enjoying, field trip outings, baby gear buying, dr appointment going, Sunday school teaching, and pajama wearing,

while we anxiously await number 4!!
I am excited to "meet" #4 too! You look great Emily. And also, Ainsley has amazing handwriting, and I am soooo jealous of your green grass. South Texas sun = crispy brown grass and bare spots.
I also have to say...You are looking great, Mamma! Thanks for posting all the pics! Looks like you are enjoying some fun fall days :)
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