Ainsley turned into quite the little swimmer this summer!!!

One thing that I've found difficult as a parent, is knowing when to let our children develop skills in their own timing (whether that be earlier or later than other children) and when to give them a little extra push. I think I could write a whole post about this, but as for swimming I put Ainsley in swimming lessons as a baby and as a preschooler. . .but when did she learn to swim? That's right, in her own timing. . .while just playing in the water. . . all of a sudden she is jumping in, going under without plugging her nose, swimming above water and under water, using her goggles to find things on the bottom of the pool, etc. She can't get enough of the water!

We have spent many evenings this August doing just that. . .playing IN the water!

And OUT of the water. . .break time with daddy. . .

Sandy feet, Sunny heat, Cool Retreat, What a treat. . .Trey loved the sand/water area. . .

Way to go our little swimmer!
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