Update: Trey and Ainsley were snuggling in her bed tonight. . .GooF and I listened at the door to their giggling. This is how we found them. . .
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Guess what I made ON. THE. STOVE. tonight?!
yes, that's a fire extinguisher in the background. . .I was a little nervous with hot oil. . .but, it turned out to be fun and delicious!
T-man turns Two!
For Trey's 2nd birthday, we had the 2nd annual backyard beach bash!
Trey is such a sweet little two year old. He is a pretty compliant little guy. . .he plays by himself well, loves to read stories, eats lots of fruit and macaroni and cheese, talks well but won't show off, is full of smiles, cruises on his hand me down motorcycle, goes to sleep nicely in his big boy bunkbed, and loves his big siblings ("AZ") and friends. He does occasionally throw a fit, make a mess, or say "mine," but he is two after all. I love to snuggle him!
Ainsley says, "he's funny, he's cute, he makes funny videos and pictures."
Look alike shots at 2 yrs. . .Trey and Ainsley
Trey and Porter. . .
Happy Birthday my "baby boy" We love you!
Ainsley says, "he's funny, he's cute, he makes funny videos and pictures."

Happy Birthday my "baby boy" We love you!
Friday, August 28, 2009
PhOtOs. . .pHoToS. . .PhOtOs. . .and
more pHoTos of August fun. . .

Looks as if Porter is putting the moves on Madison. . .:)

We took a bike ride that day. . . I ended up pulling 3 kids, a wagon, and 2 ride on toys on the way home. . .
We found out that Trey is going to be a big cousin! Ryan's brother and his wife are expecting their first baby in March! We are so excited for them, and Trey is already practicing. .

I hope they don't mind if he lays the baby down in woodchips. . .
We have spent a few mornings at the zoo! One very peaceful and one very fun filled. . .
(Trey had a very soggy diaper)

Time spent playing games. . .Zingo is the favorite right now
Much bug catching. . .
School mornings. . .

Gearing up for football season. . .

Bringing daddy lunch at the Falls. . .

Many chairs pulled up to the counter to make cookie dough. . .
No shirt days. . .or in Trey's case, no pants either. . .
Playing in the backyard. . .

Bein' little brother. . .
Painting. . .

Making messes. . .
Not getting along. . .and getting along. . .

Spending a morning at the lake with the Boslers. . .
Ainsley and Leah. . .

Posing for the camera
All because we fell in love at USF
Baby Faces. .
My favorite! Bright blue eyes, snotty nose, messy mouth, kissable cheeks. . .love it.

Spent a day taking care of 5 children 5 and under. . . they enjoyed playing together! Other than what to do to get them all down for rest and feeding 5 kids at mealtime, the day was fun!

Fountain fun with brother. . .

Spending a morning at the lake with the Boslers. . .
Posing for the camera
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