Ainsley's preschool had a Thanksgiving feast, and I enjoyed helping with it!

We also celebrated Thanksgiving at my parents and at Ryan's parents. . .I got up early the day after Thanksgiving to get the 50% toys at Kohls!

The boys. . .

And speaking of boys, daddy and Porter had a great time riding over snow piles in the driveway. Their "snow dam"

We've been baking goodies, bringing frosted sugar cookies to daddy's students (Ainsley's idea), and we hosted 4 college boys at our home for Spaghetti and atari. They appreciated the home cooked meal and said, "This is my dream home!" Not sure if that's because they're used to a small dorm room, or because our house comes complete with food :)
We attempted to get a Christmas picture of the cousins. . .

What do YOU think it looks like Bridger is saying to Trey? . . . maybe "Hey, Get back here!" or "Just checking to see if you have a dirty diaper"

We also have a new addition to our family. . .her name is Stellaca. . .what a good little mommy you are Ainsley!

And, the kids in our Sunday School class made Christmas cards for those who otherwise may not get any. Ainsley girl made a Christmas tree on her card. . .someone will be so glad to get it!

We've been making snow angels and snow piles! The first time I bundled Trey up in snowpants, boots, etc, he couldn't move (see pic of him laying on the floor). Poor thing toppled over, scraping his sweet little face. I love the picture of him looking out the window, in his feeties, at the bigger kids playing in the snow!

Trey is continuing to live up to his title of "mobile mess":). . .

And for some good clean pictures of Trey at 16 months. . .

love the teeth in that one :) Trey, he does the cutest thing everytime he gets mad or sad. . .he covers his mouth with his hands while voicing his opinion. And, he's turned into a champion at falling asleep. Let me just say that I love putting infant babies to sleep. . .mine and other peoples. . .feeding them, rocking them, singing lullabies to them. Yes, I know he is no longer an infant, but he still typically fell asleep on our shoulder. . .until recently. Every so often, he's been reaching out his arms to his crib, laying down, making a few peeps and falling asleep. Maybe he likes having a little space after being loved on/tackled all day by his siblings :)
There's been a cookie exchange, me attempting to learn guitar from my parents, Ainsley reading all 193 pages of Dick and Jane, Ainsley wanting to read everything in sight :), reading the first book in the Little House on the Prairie series (which we call "reading Laura and Mary"), swimming at the Wellness Center, decorating, baking, picking out toys we want from Santa Claus, and most of all talking about baby Jesus' birth!!! Random photos. . .

We've missed your posts, Emily. Prayers to your family.
yay an update! I know its been busy this time of year always brings so much more to do but it is so much fun! I love your Trey pics so cute and Miss Ainsley in her dance costume(maybe someday I will get to have cute little dance costumes at our house:)
Love all the pictures- have missed your blog!
Abbey would be so jealous of Ainsley's dance costume... She looks great.
Thanks girls! I'm back at it :)
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