A while back during a church service when people were getting baptized,
Porter wanted to go up and be baptized too. We've been talking about
what that means, and this morning after camp, he was baptized by his
Lighting a candle, and answering questions that yes, he believes in Jesus.
Porter William's Baptism, on Sunday morning, July 21st, 2013 at Lake Poinsett UMC Camp
We are so thankful you made the decision as a small child to follow Jesus, and today, to be baptized.
"May the Holy Spirit work within you, that being born of the water and the Spirit you may be a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ."

Porter, God has given you a strong will and a tender heart. . .I pray He uses you in mighty ways for His glory. You pray often for other people, and want them to have Jesus in their heart. You and daddy made it through the whole Jesus Storybook Bible this year. My child, you ask hard questions. The other week there was 3 different times you had tears as you asked questions about Tessa, such as why God allowed her to die. We cried together. My child, we have had our share of "im sorries" and "will you forgive me." We sang "Great is Thy Faithfulness" at your baptism, because you love Grampa to sing it to you, and we are so thankful His mercies are new every morning. Grammy wrote the special prayer you like her to say on your card, "May God always forgive you and heal you, protect you, strengthen you , and encourage you to do His will." Congratulations on your baptism Porter. . .we pray you will really make your faith in God and your relationship with Him your own through the years. We love you!
After Porter's baptism, we made a stop at the camp tire swing :)
Love Ainsley and Ryker's arms in this one. . .
Looking on as the big kids went fast. . .
It was GooFs first year at camp and he did a great job with the boys :)
Glad you had fun at camp, Porter and Trey! And glad we got to share in your baptism Porter :)