Also known as the "American Girl" trip this year! Our destination? The American Girl store. Auntie Jenny lives near one, so she hosted us this year. When we arrived at her home, it didn't take long before the girls were in her dress up clothes. . .

Saturday morning we went to the Farmers Market for the morning. . .what a FUN atmosphere!! Then it was to the American Girl store, where we were going to have them stop and take a picture in front of it, but they just ran right in :) The American Girl bistro was definitely a highlight of the trip! Kit and Kanani were served little glasses of strawberry lemonade and mini desserts. So fun!

I looked at this table of ladies and just felt so blessed to call them my sisters/mom/daughter/niece/ friends! Yes, the nursing babe was along too :)

People would look at Ainsley and say "Kit!" She loved dressing the part :)

The next day we spent time shopping /eating at IKEA! (matching dresses Grammy made for the girls and their dolls)

I came home feeling so refreshed! Maybe it was all the sleep we got or all the help I had with baby Ryker or all the girl chat. I also came home feeling very thankful for the women in my life!
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