6 month oldie, loves to belly laugh and his toasies!

Ainsley loves to be the goalie. . .and that's where my rhyming ends! During Ainsley's 1st turn at goalie this season she blocked 6 balls! She loves defending, but has gotten more aggressive at offense too. . .

Porter likes to run after the ball, get in on the action,

and hang out :)

And Trey CAN NOT WAIT for his turn to play!

Put me in Coach daddy!

I on the other hand, have my eye on the hot soccer coach they call "Coach GooF" and I tote around my stroller, with babe in the moby wrap, in true soccer mom fashion, or not. . .

Ainsley and Porter were in a spring piano recital and Porter always makes the crowd smile with his bow :)
We had a surprise 60th birthday for Gramma Becky and we surprised her with pics of the grandkids!

Backyard baseball games have begun at our house

and our school year is coming to an end! Ainsley and I have almost made it through our curriculum for the year and then we will spend time doing some fun projects like a "leaf collection" until summer break!

I am so proud of how hard she's worked this year. . .cookies and milk while we work on words with a c followed by e, i or y making the "s" sound :)
We are undecided as far as schooling for the kids next year. I have been spending time in His Word, and need to continue doing more of that. Not only do we as a family want to follow God as far as schooling decisions, but also in how we are spending our time, energy, money, resources, etc. As service coordinator for our MOPS group, I've recently had the privilege of prepping meals for the families at the Ronald McDonald house and serving alongside fellow MOPS moms. I have taken up running recently and we will be doing a 5K with our good friends in a few weeks! My favorite part of running, is most definitely my time spent with God, listening to tunes on my daughters ipod as I run :) You can pray for us as we continue to follow His lead. . .
1 comment:
You are busy being a great mommy as always. Love seeing your family in action! Only thing missing a picture with the Flip Flop Mama in it. ;0)
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