I love this photo because it captures a bit of what our house is really like right now (well, if there was dirt/food on your faces and toys/crumbs scattered about in the background but that's besides the point) :)I just overheard you big boys talking about what you want to be when you grow up. . .it is always something heroic. . . like driving a firetruck, etc. Today, Porter, you said when you grow up you want to be in a Navy submarine and fight bad guys. You asked me if I will count on you :) Trey, you say,"when I'm a daddy, I want to be. . ." and today you want to fly fighter jets I believe. I love that God made you boys with the ambition to save the day. . .to protect. . .to be heroes! And I am glad that you are also learning of His love and forgiveness. . .today Porter, you accidentally hurt Trey and I heard you say you were sorry all on your own. . .and Trey, I heard you say, "I forgive you," all on your own. And then you boys decided if you held Ryker you'd feel better. Lucky you, Ryker :) I need to remember to pray often for you little heroes as you will be young men someday! (And hopefully by then you will have learned to clean the dirt/food of your own faces and pick up your toys but that was besides the point, right?!) ;)
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