4th of July Celebrations and a few pinterest inspired treats. . .
July has been a scorcher, so we have spent much of it keepin cool at the pool!
Bedtime Bonfire and smores. . .
Helpin a brother out ;)
Daddy and the big kids went down the water slide over and over. . .
while the two littles and I sat poolside, waiting to be splashed :)
Pizza Poolside. . .
Towheaded and Tan. . .pretty much somes up Ryker's summer look ;)
The whole crew :) We are blessed and thankful. . .
Ryan's bro and wife invited us over for pizza in their new camper. . .followed by some cousin snuggles
Enjoying a morning downtown at the Falls. . .taking in the Farmers Market and trolley.
McKenna Movie Premier Sleepover. . .
What happens to little bros at sleepovers. . .
What big sisters are for. . .dressing you in aprons and teaching you how to properly stretch :)
Our garden. . .well, let's just say we grow kids, not plants :) Glad my parents have a huge one, and live only a few blocks away ;)
Dressed and ready for the Laura Ingalls pageant in DeSmet. . .thanks Grammy and Grampa!

And that's some snapshots and snippets from July!