Ainsley's dollhouse family (I like that the Gramma is watching the baby while the mom is sitting at the table with lemonade :) )

and her doll (who is named Abigail Abbey, which I think is so cute since one of Ainsley's 1st girlfriends was named Abbey and most every doll Ainsley gets is named some form of Abigail :) )

have been enjoying the nice weather!

As have we!! Today we set the jumperoo

(also known as "one of the best baby purchases ever")
outside for Ryker, as the big kids played!
We also took a stroller ride to the
playground! (Daddy and the boys came on their bikes)

Ryker got ALL. TUCKERED. OUT! (love the little finger :) )

But he wanted you to know

that he's now 5



The kids smell of outdoors and their boots are muddy! Spring is most definitely in the air!
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