Mmm. . .my handsome littlest man. . .you are yummy! From your kissable cheeks, to your baby smell, I just love you! At 2 months old, and a whopping 14 lb and 22.75 in,

you have become much more content. Giving us smiles and coos. . .

You were none too fond of your stay in the hospital nursery, getting gunk suctioned out of you, etc. Crying in your carseat on the way home should have been a warning that you would dislike. . .er, despise the thing. I suppose part of it was because we just stuck you in there when we needed to go places, whether you were ready or not. But thankfully, you are doing much better in it. . .see, that is YOU, SLEEPING in it!

You LOVE being swaddled,

and are most often found in my Moby Wrap. That thing always calmed you the first few months when you were, what I liked to say, "picky" or how Dr.Z put it, "particular." When I do set you down, on occasion, you like the boppy. . .

You have tummy time on it,

you sleep on it,

you give me funny faces and stretch on it,

I play dressed up with you on it,

And then you say, PLEASE

Pick me up because I'm hungry!! Feed me! (You are often found nursing ;) Thus the 6 lb gain in 2 months )

You LOVE bathtime. . .guaranteed smile and splashes when I set you in there. . .

And I love myself a freshly bathed, lotioned, sleepy baby to rockabye!
Eyelids getting heavy, about to doze. . .

You have been enjoying your swing recently. . .

and continue to protect yourself

from your many big siblings who are full of "love" for you

I am not the only one who takes your picture,

makes sure you're healthy,

and, I wish I had a funny caption for this photo. . . initiating you into the band of brothers?

The next pic is for the lady at the store that said my baby needed a hat. . .

that's how you feel about hats ;)
Ryker Matthew, I adore the rolls on your wrists

and the wrinkles on your forehead

You are growing so much!

I often take just you with me when I run errands, go Christmas shopping, go to Bible Study, etc and you have gotten lots of cute comments and looks these first few months. I love to tell people that I have 3 more at home ;) One of my favorite comments is your perfectly shaped head. . .yeh, I haven't set you down much :) but am starting to more. God has chosen you to be our son, and us to be your parents. I pray that we will raise you, while looking to Him for guidance. We love you!
And now it's off to a gingerbread house making party. . .
Oh I wish I could kiss his cheeks! And have you always done the monthly signs or did you "borrow" that idea from me? ;) You are a great mommy Emily! Love hearing about your family.
He's so dern cute, I can't hardly stand it. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas! If there's a next time, I'm totally stealing the sign idea! :-)
Bethany, I stole your idea and my friend Hollie who blogs does it too ;) Now, just so I remember! Thanks. . you're a great mommy too Bethany!
Mandy. . thanks. . .hope you had a wonderful Christmas too! And another baby so you can use the monthly signs is a great reason for a 4th ;) Emily
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