Eyelids getting heavy, about to doze. . .
You have been enjoying your swing recently. . .

and continue to protect yourself
from your many big siblings who are full of "love" for you
I am not the only one who takes your picture,
makes sure you're healthy,
and, I wish I had a funny caption for this photo. . . initiating you into the band of brothers?
The next pic is for the lady at the store that said my baby needed a hat. . .
that's how you feel about hats ;)

Ryker Matthew, I adore the rolls on your wrists
and the wrinkles on your forehead

You are growing so much!
I often take just you with me when I run errands, go Christmas shopping, go to Bible Study, etc and you have gotten lots of cute comments and looks these first few months. I love to tell people that I have 3 more at home ;) One of my favorite comments is your perfectly shaped head. . .yeh, I haven't set you down much :) but am starting to more. God has chosen you to be our son, and us to be your parents. I pray that we will raise you, while looking to Him for guidance. We love you!

And now it's off to a gingerbread house making party. . .