Oct 8~ my first OB appt and we got to have an ultrasound! The doctor thought my tummy was measuring around 12 wks, but it turned out I was 8 wks, 3 days
Oct 25 ~11 wks and we heard your heartbeat at our appt

Dec 25~ Daddy got to feel you kick for the first time! What a precious gift on Christmas morning! We put a blue and a pink present bow on my tummy
March 17, 2005 (2 months away from your due date!!!!). . the baby bump
Yes, still waiting. . .May 23, 2005 ~ I had an appt and the doctor did a little ultrasound in the room to check on you. My tummy was getting crowded and the doctor was worried about the low amount of fluid in there, along with you not reacting to my little contractions. So, she said it was baby time. I got all excited and nervous. I came out of the appt to a waiting daddy and Ainsley and said, "We're going to have the baby!" Daddy was glad. Around 8:30pm Grammy and Grampa arrived to stay with Ainsley and around 9:00pm we drove to the hospital praying the whole way while Grammys and Grampas, relatives and friends prayed too. It was time to get you out!
10:30pm~ pitocin and had my water broken
2:30am~ epidural
6:00am~ 6 cm dilated
7:00am ~10 cm dilated
Got asked if I wanted more pain med, but just wanted the babe out! 3 pushes and out you came. . .
May 24, 2005 (7 days overdue) at 7:28am they announced "IT'S A BOY!" Porter William, I have tears in my eyes just thinking about it. My first question was, "Is he healthy?" They assured me, that yes, you were a healthy baby BOY! I was SO EXCITED! I was now a mommy to both a daughter and a SON! You weighed in at a whoppin 8lb 15 oz and 22 in long!! You were named after your Grandpa Bill.
We called our family and I remember Auntie Stephy telling me, "You will raise such a nice young man." Me, a girl with 2 sisters, a mom to a BOY! Ainsley was overjoyed and loved to point out your nose, eyes, mouth, etc. . .
I remember clearly the BLUE that started arriving in my hospital room! A balloon and teddy bear that you still sleep with from your Aunties. A blue gift bag filled with blue sleepers, blankets and bibs from Grammy and Grampa.
What a handsome little man. . .
Our bundle of boy!

sweet....he's such a great kid.
that was me :0) -lindsay
You forgot the part about how you called me in Texas to tell me you had a BOY! I was a little mad that he waited so long to come out that I missed it. :0) It's funny how you can look at his baby pictures now and see, yep, that's Porter's handsome face!
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