OK, I had to post just a few Halloween preview photos. . .
Ainsley kissing the frog and turning into a Light up Garden Fairy (they have the story a little mixed up). . .

I was one of the room parents for Ainsley's party today and all the kids/teachers in the school had a Costume Parade in the gym. I. LOVED. IT. It made me smile. It made me laugh. Here are the girls in Ainsley's kindergarten class. . .

And the boys. . .

Thanks to my moms willingness to watch my boys, I have had the
privilege of helping in Ainsley's classroom one morning a week. Tonight at my niece's costume party, my mom was no longer Grammy, she came dressed up as Sid the Science Kids Grandma and my dad was Sid the Science Kid (PBS kids). . .the grandkids thought they were great. . .

Porter changed his mind today, and decided that he wanted to be a bat, so off to the store we went to get an umbrella to make bat wings. Here's Porter "going batty!"

We hope you have a very Happy Halloween!!

And remember, if you want to turn into a Light up Garden Fairy, just find yourself
a cute little frog to kiss. . .
1 comment:
Looks like it might be more fun than the real Halloween! I love your parents' costumes. :)
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