On Friday, the kids woke up very excited to go to Gramma and Grampas for fireworks! After answering questions about when it would be time to go, and packing up for 4 people, GooF got home from work and it was finally (you understand moms) time to load up. Porter was very excited about the rockets and tanks that Uncle Chris and Grampa Seth bought!

Ainsley preferred the fun snaps and baby Mollie

We had some fun "playing" with Mollie and attempting to get a pic of all 4, in which Trey is picking his nose and Porter is playing peek a boo :)When Trey was holding her she was looking at me like, "Are you SURE this is safe Auntie Em?"

By the time we went to the farm for the fireworks, our kids were already getting tired :( I learned my lesson. . .when Ainsley says she wants to go to bed and Porter says he is ready to go home. . .I should listen to them. Let's just say our night ended in tears. . .lesson learned!

After a good nights sleep the kids were fired up for the 4th of July party! We celebrated at Michelles parents house (where I spent a lot of time while growing up)!

Ainsley of course loved having her little girlfriends to play with. . .


Grampa Ed was giving out tractor rides and although Trey wasn't sure of him at first, he wanted that ride! By the end of the night, he gave Ed a five :) Yes, the tractor rides were Trey's favorite part. . .

well that, and the juicy juice and bubbles that Gramma Mary had for him :)

Porter was thrilled with an acre of land to run and play on, along with these glasses. . .

I had told the kids that as soon as they wanted to go home and go to bed, we would leave (remember, lesson learned by this pregnant mama). But, give the kids some juicy juice, tractor rides, little friends, sweet glasses, cupcakes and fireworks,

and bubbles and they didn't want to stop partying :) GooF and I enjoyed some time with friends from church and even got in on some volleyball! GooFs favorite part may have been challenging Michelle to a ride on her banana seat bike. . .

This morning my dad had his annual 4th of July breakfast. . .

and the kids were excited to see Grammy, Grampa and cousins. . .

All in all, it was a good wknd of celebrating our country's freedom!

Sunday during church I was reminded to pray for our country, our leaders, things going on in our city, etc. We are thankful for the freedom we have in this country! Sunday morning, I was also thankful that Trey did finally dress himself. . .but that's another story :)