Miss Ainsley came up with the idea of a Valentines Party, and I love to host parties, so agreed that it was a great idea! She had fun using glitter and stickers and cutting out hearts to make her invitations. She chose, "Duck Duck Heart Goose," and Love Bingo for her games and the girls decorated lip shape purses! What a fun morning you planned Miss Ainsley!
Happy Valentines Day! Being a bride and mommy is what I've looked forward to since I was a little girl, and I love you!!!
Your party looks MUCH calmer than the Valentine's party we went to. :) You are a great mom to do things like that!
Thanks Bethany for always leaving me such sweet comments. . .about the party, looks can be deceiving :)
Looks like you had a fun little party. We were bummed we had to cancel ours but we still had a very fun Valentine's Day! Have a great day!
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